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So VGChartz, do you have a "scariest" game you have played this gen? The gaming site, Kotaku recently did a study on what gamers thought was the scariest game out on Xbox 360. They narrowed it down to 4 games and tested them with casual gamers and more hard core gamers. The Casual gamers were obviously more frightened than the hard core gamers. This was due to hard core gamers being more familiar with the suspenseful environments. The game that won as the "scariest" to gamers was Dead Space 2. Read article below.

So what in your opinion is the scariest game you have played. Maybe games don't frighten you easily, but maybe there is a game you could name that kept your heart pumping.

Also as a side question, how do you think the suspense in today's generation of games compare to older generations. Would you say games are less suspenseful in general or more suspenseful? I would personally claim that games in general are more suspenseful due to better graphics, more life like environments, and better overall story immersion. I could also argue that some franchises have lost their "scary" edge. This would include Resident Evil in my opinion. Resident Evil seems to have gone from intense suspenceful gaming to more action/shooter oriented.

Please, give your thoughts on this matter.