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Also want to point out that the OP is using BAD logic. His statement is pretty much that evoution states that all species change over time, gradually acquiring beneficial inherited traits and replacing thier forebearers.

That's not evolution. Evolution is just a statement that new species arise due to the divergence in inherited traits found in populations of individuals. You used a false definition of what evolution is.

Many scientists beleive that evoltuion is a VERY rapid process, and that most species stay unchanged for VERY long periods of time, untill outside cirumstances (geological changes, the introduction of new species that results in predation or increased competition) force them to change.

In other words...evolution only happens when it needs to. If you notice, almost all examples of living fossils are either very small species or aquatic species. That doesn't strike you as weird? The reason is that these are the two type of organisms that have to deal with global changes the least. You'll even find this to be true in modern day disastors. The fact that living fossils are never dinosaurs, but rather fish and insects, actually helps support evolutionary theory.