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Punctuated Equilibrium:

Evolution isn't a slow, steady, CONSTANT event. It happens in spurts, and species change very slowly between said spurts. Darwin may have thought it was constant, but the theory has changed a lot since it's inception. That's the thing about science as opposed to religion - its not dogmatic and allows for thoughts to be refined and changed or even completly disregarded over time.

Living fossils are mostly niche species and are much more the exceptions then the rule. There are examples in the fossil record, however, of species surviving mostly unchanged (because even "living fossils" are not actually identical to their ancestors) for millions of years and then suddenly being replaced due to outside competition. Crocodilians, for example, took over a niche held for millions of years by large amphibians....some of these amphibians carried on in climates too cold for crocodiles for tens of millions of years after crocodiles settled into the niche of semi-aquatic ambush predators. This changed, however, when the areas that they lived in warmed up (such as Australia) and crocodiles moved in.

Finally, just because science does not currently have an answer to a problem does not mean that it won't have the answer in the future. I am NOT an athiest, but it bothers me when people use the "isn't is easier to believe in God then" arguments. It's way easier to beleive Zues is sitting on Olympus throwing down lighterning bolts then to even have to consider particles too small to see with the naked eye that carry electrical charges, after all.