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Honestly I think their should be a minimum of a year to two years between having sex with a different male partner and donating blood. With HIV being so high amongst gay couples I think that laxing the laws to much only jeoprodizes public safety.

Also I think similiar laws should be applied to straight men as well. If a guy is sleeping with a different girl every week then the chances of getting infected are huge. That man should not be able to donate blood until he has had at least a year with one girl. Insuring that he doesn't have aids.

I think a major reason for the height of homosexual HIV is the promiscuity. I know a few gay guys and they have sex with different partners constantly. They have orgies and all kinds of shit. But the straight people I know, I don't know any that have sex nearly as much as those gay guys or with as many partners.

My most promiscusios friend (Straight) probably had sex with 2 to 3 different girls a month. At least thats what he bragged constantly who knows could have been less. While one of the gay guys I know talks about having sex with different guys all the time. Even here in this thread a gay guy said he was having sex with a different person every few days. That is just sick, no I don't know any straight guys who have sex with that many women.

However tides are beginning to change. Straight people are beginning to fuck more and more. Fewer marriages more one night stands and screwing multiple girls a year. Hence the rise in straight HIV, however it is still far smaller then homosexual HIV. But can't be ignored.

As such I think if you are outside of a dedicated relationship (Sleeping with someone new within the past year) then you should not be able to give blood. Your blood could be contaminated and infecting some poor innocent person is a horrible thing to do just because you want the equal right to give blood.

I haven't been allowed to donate blood for years due to being on medication. You don't see me getting pissed off, I know that my blood is contaminated and could harm people. As such homosexuals and men who screw multiple girls a year should not be allowed to donate either. Safety first.

This isn't an issue of rights, its an issue of safety. Blood banks are supposed to save lives not end them!


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