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Rath said:
iBlah said:
Rath said:
Seece said:
'Most new HIV infections acquired in the UK are from men who have sex with men.'

Not sure they're true, the highest risk group is now black/foreign women I believe.


The way the statement is worded is important here. Women who have immigrated from Africa are one of the most likely groups to have HIV but they mostly caught it in Africa rather than acquiring the infection in the UK.


These statistics are quite interesting.

of course there is that, but a lot of illegal women end up becoming prostitutes, which I think is a much greater HIV risk group than gay men.

It is a high HIV risk group, which is why anybody who has ever been a prostitute may not donate blood.

and they spread HIV much faster. everyone knows men to men sex = HIV, but an illegal prostitute is easily an equal of multiple gay men when it comes to spreading HIV. they're both high risk groups, but illegal prostitution is far more dangerous, I thought it was pretty simple, strangely many people I talk to don't think that way.