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Obviously we have all recognised that it's a silly idea to base a new console around something which could be done as an attachment for the Wii or with DS compatibility (there's enough of them around).

Adding a screen, whilst not a completely stupid idea, isn't enough to sell the Wii Sports Resort crowd on an ugrade.

Any progress in gameplay will come more from controls than graphics. Wii is capable of the same controls as Wii-U. Gameplay is cross/every generational.

It's time to hold Nintendo up to the same standards as 3rd parties. 3rd parties may make shit games but as least they made shit SD games. I can't think of a single Nintendo IP that would improve/revolutionise gameplay by improving textures or adding a screen.

OoT should have been on Wii as an M+ remake not a 3d remake to tide people over and give them a quality taste of what Skyward sword could be like.

Starfox 64 should have been on Wii as an M+ remake with online multiplayer, god forbid it might even use 2 wiimotes, one for arwing control the other for aiming.

Same goes for Pilotwings and the same goes for any future WII U game.

Are there any games (that belong on consoles not PCs) that would benefit more from an added screen than from improved and more accesible controls?


Nintendo needs to provide Wii versions of their WiiU games on the same disc and treat the WiiU as an HD upgrade with gimmicky screen abilities. Similar to how Super Mario World was a NES game with gimmicky L and R features or the 3DS.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!