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DKII said:
You really can't see the difference between attacking a military target hiding among civilans and indiscriminately blowing up as many random civilians as possible?

The US supports a 2-state solution and it supports Israel precisely because if it did not the rest of the Middle East would just wipe it out. It also prevents Israel from indiscriminately wiping out all Palestinians. ;>

Not to mention that once Israel did pull back, the Palestinian people rewarded the action by endorsing further terrorism, re-escalating the violence, and again trying to push their case that Israel shouldn't exist at all by electing Hamas.


Thank you DKII for your post. Its rare these days to find reason on this topic. Any argument that has to use history to back it up ignores the situation on the ground. They justify the terroists actions. Really, if they would just stop the terror & agree to a realistic border maybe the killing would stop.