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Michael-5 said:

Well if you only played SNES for Mario, Zelda and the usual you missed out. I love the SNES for some really awesome JRPG's. Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, FFVI, Earthbound etc. Plus a lot of Nintendo's best were on the SNES. Super Mario Kart, DKC, Super Metroid, F-Zero, etc.

Genesis to me didn't have much that was unique. I really loved Ranger X, and Sonic was good too, but what else was there?

My most gamed are SNES, N64, and GBA.

i admitedly missed more then i know. i missed alot of games from the NES to PS2. i was late to the party and literaly new nothing more then wht i had seen.

i never really had that many games. the main games i new about had mario, all the fighting games, and sonic on them at that time. so i'm limited but wht i play'd was well worth it.

now i know more and expect more. back then i new nothing and expected little.

You should go back and play some games. I beat Chrono trigger only 5 years ago or so and it's my favorite game of all time. Don't let graphics boarder your choices for games. I mean I'm playing FFVI for the first time now and I'm loving it.

I missed a lot of games too, but there is no reason not to go back now, especially since most great games get remakes on handhelds now (If You haven't played Ocarina of Time, do it NOW!).

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