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Michael-5 said:
brendude13 said:

While I don't agree with you trying to bring the PS3 down to an equal level or below Xbox 360 on every possible occasion, the PS3 being voted as the best console ever is just wrong, it should barely be in the top 5, let alone number 1.

Anyway, probably 80% of games released these days have some sort of shooting mechanics in them. For a game to be classified as a shooter in mine and many other people's views, shooting has to be very dominant, think along the lines of Gears of War. I think "Action / Adventure, Shooter" would be the most accurate description, if I could choose only ONE of those categories to place Uncharted in though I wouldn't hesitate to put it into Action / Adventure.

I can see why me bringing the PS3 and 360 down to equal levels would annoy you, but it just baffles me that people here think PS3 is far supperior to 360. I'm just tired of people calling me ignorant because I can view this rationally

Also if I went around saying 360 is better (which it is IMO), people tend to flip out on me. Bringing them down to equal level brings me less hate, and just makes defending some games I like (like Halo, Gears, Forza, or Lost Odyssey) significantly easier.

I'll try to limit myself.

I agree with you about your comment on Shooters, I just feel Shooting is the dominant game mechanic in Uncharted. Uncharted is a linear game, which you spend the majority of time shooting people, so how could I not?

However I did say I would settle with Shooter/AA Hybrid, which you seem to agree with.

I don't think it is vastly superior, other people do though and I disagree with them.

And there is nothing wrong with liking the XBOX 360 more than the PS3, it's just when you are going against the grain, you have to try to keep that opinion to yourself or at least give a detailed explanation as to why you think it is better. It is more than OK to defend your preferred console if it recieves unfair criticism but only within reason (no insulting the other console etc).

And yeah, it's just the fact that we look at genres differently. I don't think shooting is the dominant game mechanic in Uncharted, but even if I did, I still wouldn't label it a shooter over Action / Adventure because almost every game released these days is expected to have some form of gunplay in them, I only start to think of it as a shooter when shooting is one of the only mechanics.

Anyway, Shooter, Action / Adventure is spot on.