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Joelcool7 said:
Runa216 said:
Joelcool7 said:
Runa216 said:
alrighty, let's see if I can get this train back on track here.

Original post was saying (in a nicer way) that if Religion wants to continue to have an influence on the world of politics, science, and society, it should be expected to withstand the same criticism and scrutiny that all other aspects of our world has.

Instead of offering proper, intelligent insight to the issue, the thread has essentially turned into the precise thing I was hoping it wouldn't: Proving my point. Instead of offering philisophical insight to the origin of the universe or whatever, we have a lot of christians claiming that this criticism is somehow offensive and are trying to get the thread locked, and the rest are just trying to divert attention to disproving different scientific theories.

In an odd way, this thread has further proven my point: Religion collapses under pressure and is incapable of standing up to rationality without reverting to "let's see who can scream the loudest" to determine what people believe.

Also, for all the people arguing evolution, I have to facepalm. I may not know all the intricate details of evolution offhand, but even the slightest bit of research and proper scientific inquiry will prove to you that evolution is real. Anyone denying this fact is...well, they're not only ignorant but aggressively so.

"Don't bother me with the facts, I've already made up my mind."

Well this is a start, alittle better wording. Maybe you should edit your initial post to make it more welcoming and less flame bait. Also to my knowledge I'm the only one who reported this thread. Many users who agreed with me aren't Christian's either.

But on topic. Religion is already held to the same standards as everything else on earth.

As Kantor said science doesn't disprove religion or prove it. Many of the scientists who created the basic knowledge we follow today were Christian. As I said the majority of scientists around the globe believe in a God, saying that religion isn't held to the same standard as science is a fallacy. Science and religion go hand in hand.

Most people who believe in God, aren't complete moron's. Its not like they didn't think about the decision or research it. Its not like each and everyone of them is uneducated illiterates.

Their is alot of evidence to support the various faiths. Archeological and historical evidence over flows. Scientific evidence doesn't disprove it so people base their beliefs on what is proven and experiances they have had themselves.

Also again with this whole evolution crap. Evolution is a series of theories which started with Darwin's theory of evolution. Some of these theories hold water others do not. To stereotype and include all the theories as Evolution and say its fact is really niave.

I believe in Micro Evolution and not MacroEvolution. I believe that in some cases convergent evolution also occurs. In biology in University I learned about a dozen different evolution theories. Though I don't remember them all this knowledge really keeps me from saying I believe or don't believe in Evolution.

Which theories of evolution do you believe in? Why do you believe in these theories and how do these theories disprove the existance of God? You say Evolution is fact and such so which theories are fact and such?

Religion doesn't collapse under pressure. if it did it wouldn't be around anymore. The users here have responded to your questions fairly well infact even non-Christian users in this thread have provided insight into religious beliefs.

Your final quote about facts I'm not sure exactly who your qouting but I'd be happy to see these facts. I'm sure you know way more then my bio proffesor and all the teachers that have taught me science over the years. You probably also know more then the majority of scientists since they believe in God and you obviously have a better understanding of science then they do.

You do know I've long since stopped reading even a single word of your posts, right?  You convinced me early in the thread that you were just here to whine and b'aww about the thread, so I'm not even gonna take the 2 minutes it would take to read this post and shake my head in disdain.  Doubly ironic since it seems like you read every one of my posts just so you have something to complain about. 

Man, dude your arrogant not even reading another users posts because you think you are so much better then that user. No if you read my response it wasn't any whining. I rarely ever say anything about a user but you have no respect left in my books am I whining? Awes I'm sorry I disagree with you.

So if you disagree with someone rather then being mature and talking with that user you not only ignore them but then go into the thread and tell everyone your ignoring them.

Geez I'm not whining I am pissed. At least when I talk with Sapphi and other users I debate with they treat me with the same respect I treat them. I read your arrogant and uneducated bullshit and respond but you have the gull to actually say your ignoring me.

How the hell did you get a job with VGChartz? I'm not going to comment on why this thread wasn't locked. I'm going to comment on the fact that you are totally unqualified to write for VGChartz. In fact your attitude and unprofessional behavior you shouldn't be representing anyone. Smeags and the other writers actually work hard and are respectable they treat the users with dignity and respect. You not only treated me like crap but many other users.

You don't deserve to be working for VGChartz. Not saying I do, but if this thread is any indication of your professionalism then you should be fired tomorrow.

As the ninth highest ranking user I will personally consider leaving if crap like this continues. A message to ioi and any staff at VGChartz, I am launching a site in the coming months launch date January 1st 2012. I am looking for business partners to get in with, however my site is not going to be like any other site currently on the internet. I already have contacts at BioWare, EACanada and thirty of Canada's biggest independent studios. I was hoping to talk to someone soon about affiliating my site with yours upon launch. Such as sharing news stories with Smeags and using VGChartz data in news articles I report.

I was planning on becoming a paid member as well. As many like Viper and Smeags know I took journalism in both High school and University. I also worked for Das-Games and four other gaming sites before being hired by the Abbotsford Times NewsPaper to be their video game and film critic.

I am a professional journalist. I may not work for VGChartz but I have more then six years experiance. Runa, as a journalist to another supposed journalist this is crap.

Now I'm not going to make any threats as I would still like to work with VGChartz and am an active user and plan to remain active. However writers treating their readers and users in this fashion is not going to help VGChartz. Nor will it increase chances of people actually wanting to work with/for you.

I truly hope Runa does not actually represent VGChartz or their business practices and journalistic integrity. If Runa decides to actually pull his head out of his ass and reply logically and intellectually to my last post or this post then I will likely respond. I am not a low life scum bag I actually listen to my readers and give replies. I don't go around attacking those I disagree with.

P.S- that last comment is to show you how backwards this is, I expect to be banned for saying such a thing as I should. In getting banned I will prove my point. See you all after my ban!

You're a journalist?  You don't even seem to know the difference between "There" and "Their".  That, and two of the mods have both agreed that I've done nothing offensive here.  I chose not to read your posts becuase they all basically say the same thing, and this here is no reason to change my mind.  

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