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alrighty, let's see if I can get this train back on track here.

Original post was saying (in a nicer way) that if Religion wants to continue to have an influence on the world of politics, science, and society, it should be expected to withstand the same criticism and scrutiny that all other aspects of our world has.

Instead of offering proper, intelligent insight to the issue, the thread has essentially turned into the precise thing I was hoping it wouldn't: Proving my point. Instead of offering philisophical insight to the origin of the universe or whatever, we have a lot of christians claiming that this criticism is somehow offensive and are trying to get the thread locked, and the rest are just trying to divert attention to disproving different scientific theories.

In an odd way, this thread has further proven my point: Religion collapses under pressure and is incapable of standing up to rationality without reverting to "let's see who can scream the loudest" to determine what people believe.

Also, for all the people arguing evolution, I have to facepalm. I may not know all the intricate details of evolution offhand, but even the slightest bit of research and proper scientific inquiry will prove to you that evolution is real. Anyone denying this fact is...well, they're not only ignorant but aggressively so.

"Don't bother me with the facts, I've already made up my mind."

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