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Dr.Grass said:
Runa216 said:

I want to say, this is NOT a troll thread, I'm not looking to piss people off nor am I demanding perfection of the imperfect.  I am, however, looking for some answers. 

Religion is a huge part of modern culture, there's no denying this.  People go to church, say "god bless you", and generally seem to be okay with believing in it and accept it at face value.   But a lot of this is a pervasive remnant of a culture that should have died 60 years ago.  We are living in an age of enlightenment, where more and more of the universe is being discovered and Science is contributing to this world more and more, so it's less and less rational to believe in something like God.  In a world where we need absolute, undeniable proof of something before we believe it (pics or it didn't happen, not to mention many people are actively resisting Stem Cell research because much of the limited research so far has been largely inconclusive), it's a very biased attitude to be fine with having faith in god without that same demand for proof.  

so I submit that, if people the world over want to continue to not only run their lives based off an archaic belief system but control the rest of the people by pushing those views, I propose we demand empirical evidence of god.  Any God.  

And no, "you can't prove that God exists, this isn't fair" isn't an adequate response. Being okay with having faith or twisting logic so that "it's all a test" is not good enough, if Religion is to persist in the modern world it should be subject to the same criticism and rigorous testing the rest of our lives demand. Religion should not be given a free pass simply because it's been a part of our social collective for so long, without progress we stagnate, so if you're going to cling to those beliefs without proof, then at least try to substantiate it. 

So go, offer proof. Hell, even rational theories will do, I honestly want to hear them, but expect skepticism.  

Since you CLEARLY stated the conditions of this thread, I think its only fair that all comments violating these conditions be removed. I have been banned for FAR less. I wrote a sincere post. It may be long, but with all the other crap around the chances of you even looking at it are diminishing by the second. 

I want you to know I read every word of that "Wall-O-Text" post, and I found it very interesting.  That said, short of reading the works cited, I Can't give a proper response concerning the validity of the claims therein.  It's nice to see others willing to put a strong foot forward and dsicuss something rationally regardless of our differing opinions.  

I also want to roll my eyes at people claiming that my status as a writer for VGChartz excludes me from making a thought provoking thread, and I Find it rather offensive that people insist on complaining about this thread rather than contributing to it. 

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