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RageBot said:
Player1x3 said:
Ok, since there are plenty of this comments, I'll respond to one. There is no absolute ''truth''. The truth is, some people beleive in God, some people dont. neither beleifs hasnt been proven right or wrong. For you to say your beleifs are the ultimate truth and the others are delusional and wrong is pur earrogance that is unfortunalty so incredibly common among atheists. 

Nah, you just don't get it.

There's only one thing a person can know in absolute certainty - "I think, therefore I am".
Nothing else is an absolute truth, it's only based on our preceptions.

And there is only one absolute truth, about anything, opinions are bullshit, opinions is thinking that the facts are "on your side", wether it's true or not, who knows what it is though?

And you know why atheists are arrogant? Because they tend to be right about most other stuff, that comes with intelligence, pepole are used to be right (since atheists tend to be more intelligent and educated than the standard population), they just get used to be right about stuff, I know that I am because i'm almost never wrong.

Atheists think you are dillusional because you never question your beliefs, you never question what you think, you never tell yourself that what you think may not be true, you get stuck on a single way of thought, neverchanging, always blind to new things.

Indeed, atheists are happy to admit when they are wrong, only they are never wrong, because they are atheists, right?

Recent studies reveal that atheists tend to be privileged, college educated libertarians with serious superiority complexes who are always willing to argue, especially with Christians.

Atheists tend to have a rare, aggressive form of unwarranted self-importance, invariably overestimating their own intelligence. It's mandatory for atheists, because if they're not the geniuses of Earth, they're forced into admitting that they're not always right - and they'd rather castrate themselves with a hacksaw than do THAT.

In fact, atheists are so fanatical that they go around with a chip on their shoulder looking for 'rational' debates. Upon watching an atheist in an argument, it becomes clear that their points consist entirely of condescension, lofty moralizing, and 'clever' quips about their opponents' intelligence - in other words, atheists think that sarcasm amounts to a valid argument. They will begin by stating they only want food for thought to 'improve their position'; five minutes later, they'll state that talking to their opponent is like arguing with a brick wall. The irony of this statement is consistently lost on the atheist.