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Ail said:
vlad321 said:
snakenobi said:
vlad321 said:

Computer Science is kind of special in that unlike other areas it is not split so much into engineering and theory (like Nuclear engineering or Nuclear Physics, etc.) by name. That means all the scrub engineers are stuck with all the theoretical people. If you are just going to be doing engineering, then very little to basically none. If you are doing theoretical then you will need to be pretty good at linear algebra and graph theory. In fact, just go learn Discrete Math. There are too mmany idiots who don't knwo jack fucking shit in engineering already, so just go learn amth and don't be like a huge chunk of computer engineers who are dumb and need somone else to go after them and fix their shit mistakes. Learn math or gtfo and save people who know what they are doing a lot of headaches. You will also get laughed at a lot less if you learn the math since you won't be as incompetent.

take it easy man

I don't think you realize what a pain incompetent programmers are. I was being very nice.

Actually they are here to make the good programmers shine ;)


Software developer is probably the only job I know where the productivity and performances can vary so widely from one employee to the next..

Interesting, depending on how you define productivity, it's also the field wehre productivity != performance.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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