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PDF said:
Why did you not just use VG. It seems much more accurate as some of your sales are off accorinding to VG.

360 sold 5,399,555 in 2 years =2,699,777 a year.
Ps3 sold 3,838,181 in 1 year = 3,838,181 a year

End of this year.
360: 8099332
PS3: 7676362

Of course trends will not completely duplicate last year as I excpect more Ps3 and less 360. So in the End I think Ps3 will catch 360 by the end of the year

 Like they say, torture the numbers enough and you can get them to say anything (almost).

2007 saw X360 do 3.1M in Total Other to get to the 5,399,555.  But I can see that dropping off  some, to say 2.7M in 2008.  PS3 should get even stronger, since 2008 will be its 2nd holiday versus 4th holiday for X360.

But it is up to MS to choose to fight for 2nd place or not.  Price cuts, games and esp. convincing players that the RROD is now over for the current boxes made will determine whether X360 stays ahead or not. 

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.