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Forums - Sony Discussion - Big In Europe? PS3's Race For Second Place

Big In Europe? PS3's Race For Second Place

By Chris Kohler January 16, 2008 | 8:17:44 PMCategories: Console Games

A week ago, I asked for some data to back up the commonly-held belief that "Europe is Sonyland" -- that is, the idea that PlayStation 3 is selling so well in parts of Europe as to render irrelevant the Xbox 360's lead in other countries.

No, we're not even talking about Wii at this point: This is about the furious race for second.

What did I get? Well, for the most part, a comments thread full of the usual system wars baloney. But a few people pointed me to where I might find some data on Europe sales.

The results? While PlayStation 3 is clearly outselling Xbox 360 on a month-by-month basis in European territories outside of the UK and Australia (which is generally lumped in with Europe from a business perspective), it's difficult to tell which will end up on top when all the dust has settled.

The numbers we have are below.

The numbers I'm reprinting here, mostly from a NeoGAF thread that a commenter pointed to, are mostly from GfK Group (actual motto: "the No. 5 market research organization worldwide"), reported in a scattershot manner in local media.

To facilitate actual useful comparison between these numbers, I'm using life-to-date sales numbers through the end of September 2007. In most cases, this is the most recent data we have. In cases where we have later data, I've pulled back and just presented the numbers through September.

U.S. (LTD) (NPD Group)

Wii: 4,955,400
360: 7,022,900
PS3: 2,105,500

Japan (Week ending September 30 / LTD) (Media Create)

Wii: 24,143 / 3,614,197
360: 5,215 / 415,491
PS3: 13,105 / 1,169,666

U.K. (LTD) (Screen Digest)

Wii: 1,190,000
360: 1,550,000
PS3: 450,000

Australia (Q3 / LTD) (GfK: Q1+Q2, Q3)

Wii: 61,027 / 167,565
360: 40,467 / 222,028
PS3: 27,533 / 82,261

Spain (LTD) (GfK)

Wii: 244,000
360: 149,000
PS3: 218,000

Germany (LTD) (GfK)

Wii: 361,000
360: 316,000
PS3: 135,000

Bonus: German numbers for October 2007

Wii: 28,000
360: 12,000
PS3: 37,000

Italy (LTD) (GfK)

Wii: 129,000
360: 267,000
PS3: 150,000

Okay, there are the numbers. So, what do we have? Besides a headache, I mean. Xbox 360 has a commanding lead in the U.S., but from what we know of Europe's sales, PlayStation 3 is catching up there. It's not at all there yet -- the only figures we have where PlayStation 3 has actually passed Xbox are in Germany and Spain -- but from what we can see of the monthly sales, it's making moves towards the front.

Calling anything beyond that just isn't possible given the limited amount of data that we have. But we know that the U.S. and European hardware markets are roughly equal, so: If everything goes perfectly, and if other European countries not included in this data set also swing for Sony, then eventually -- maybe in a year or two -- Sony's advantage in these countries, greatly aided by the 360's bottoming out in Japan, might get it over the top of the U.S., U.K., and Australia and take the silver medal. It's well within the realm of possibility.

But what then? Wii is still dominating everywhere; that point's not in contention. It's not as if the war over second place really means that much. Certainly it means more this generation insofar as the Wii has placed itself nearly outside the realm of hardcore gaming. There's still a big audience of people who want the best graphics humanly possible, and Wii isn't providing any competition with Xbox in that regard. So there's a serious chance for competition, there.

Ultimately, PlayStation 3's saving grace might just be the fact that Xbox hasn't come close to repeating in Europe or Japan (especially Japan!) the huge success that it has engineered for itself in the U.S. This could have a significant effect on where developers put their resources, if they know that for example an Xbox version of a game might sell best in the U.S. but they'll need a PlayStation 3 version for their investment to be as lucrative in Europe.

While things seem to be all over except the crying in the U.S. and Japan, Europe is the battlefield to watch in the coming months. Hopefully we'll receive better reports from the front, so I never have to do this again. I need a drink.

Well it's nice to see the PS3 catching up to the X360. But it has some long ways before that happens. Considering the pack full of software Microsoft has lined up for this year.

PS3 does have the software this year, but can they deliver instead of the delays.

Around the Network

Nice read... I wonder if it will catch 360 this year in Europe.

Yeah Interesting read.. still, it kind of re-enforces what everyone but microsoft seems to know, Japan is not the place to fight in this generation, Europe is.

i think it will be somewhere in the vincinity by the end of the year



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

PS3 will catch up to the X360, only if the PS3 name can continue it's success in Europe and have some abysmal sales in Japan.

Around the Network

The PS3 hasn't even been out for a year in Europe.^

PDF said:
Why did you not just use VG. It seems much more accurate as some of your sales are off accorinding to VG.

360 sold 5,399,555 in 2 years =2,699,777 a year.
Ps3 sold 3,838,181 in 9 months = 3,838,181 a year

End of this year.
360: 8099332
PS3: 7676362

Of course trends will not completely duplicate last year as I excpect more Ps3 and less 360. So in the End I think Ps3 will catch 360 by the end of the year


This data for the comparison is like three and a half months old. I'm pretty sure Sony is alot closer in europe now.


PDF said:
Why did you not just use VG. It seems much more accurate as some of your sales are off accorinding to VG.

360 sold 5,399,555 in 2 years =2,699,777 a year.
Ps3 sold 3,838,181 in 1 year = 3,838,181 a year

End of this year.
360: 8099332
PS3: 7676362

Of course trends will not completely duplicate last year as I excpect more Ps3 and less 360. So in the End I think Ps3 will catch 360 by the end of the year

 Like they say, torture the numbers enough and you can get them to say anything (almost).

2007 saw X360 do 3.1M in Total Other to get to the 5,399,555.  But I can see that dropping off  some, to say 2.7M in 2008.  PS3 should get even stronger, since 2008 will be its 2nd holiday versus 4th holiday for X360.

But it is up to MS to choose to fight for 2nd place or not.  Price cuts, games and esp. convincing players that the RROD is now over for the current boxes made will determine whether X360 stays ahead or not. 

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.