snakenobi said:
and please take surgery as a intelligent process to rrect thing not as a mission or you are gonna fuck up somebody |
What is wrong with helping people oh great genius who knows it all, who sees it all, who can do it all??? oh damn, you are GOD!! RE LOL, sorry I forgot you dont believe in God (that is what I assume considering what you are writing).
I want to be surgeon because I like it, and if I eventually earn lots of money doing my job; why it would be wrong to help people?? Seriously man if you are so "gifted" I bet you already have lots of money. Also, if you are so "gifted" you would realize that the human species as a whole is fucked up; and that 1 "worthy" human is not enough for the human species to survive. So you could use your money to try change things in a good way. For example In africa hundreds of thousands people kill each other because of "the other is not as ugly as me" or "the other has a religion that is not mine"; those 2 scenarios are really twisted, and I think something should be done about it, obviously not by me because I dont have the money nor the political power to do it; but there are people/organitations that could change it and yet nothing happens. That is why the world is so shitty, that is why the world is turning into crap (environmentally) because most people just think of what is good for them.
If your house is fucked up i suppose you would fix it; if your community is doing not so well I suppose you would think about how get things better. Helping people, helping the world to change is something like that but at a mayor scale, thinking about the future. If you only take life as something so wortless, that you would only do what you like to do, for your own benefit alone, without having any good repercution in the world where you live; it would be a really sad thing because you will be just like most people in the world, dust passing by (a very special dust, that uses important resources and only leaves behind crap, literally and metaphorically) . I am like that right now because I cant do nothing so important to change the world; but at least when I can, I try to do good worthy things.
It is not an idealistic/naive way of thinking, but realistic, because by how things are going the human species will extinguish really soon, without the need of homosexual supremacy lol. (just in case...... if homosexuals were the dominant "human variation" in the world, the human species would extinguish due to the lack male-female relations, and if they clone themselves, they would equally extinguish due to the lack of genetic variablility making all the species vulnerable to a virus/bacteria; that is why homosexuality is wrong from a biological standpoint).
I imagine what you are probably going to answer. lol