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Xen said:
Mr Khan said:
Xen said:
Boutros said:
Xen said:
Boutros said:
I think there should be a special board for veteran members because it's obviously the ones who are feeling alienated.

That's discriminatory and unworkable.

Why? They already have one (or they used to) for people of the staff.

Do you mean the staff forums? No good discussions are going on there, or at least there were none during my time there.

Plus, the exclusive club is so much smaller.

Section 8 could be restored, from what i've heard, that used to be the special zone

As for the topic at large, i don't see where the bitching comes from about the forum buddy. I fucking love the forum buddy, and whish every forum or comment-space on the net had one

Ah, that... that section was actually an anomaly or something. It disappearing caused some kida split between certain members and ioi.

Yeah, Section 8 was actually a site fluke.  It was considered "special" because so few people knew about it, and those that did weren't keen on spreading that information around.

It wasn't really a place for veteran members so much as it was just a place for the friends of the guy that first found it.  A lot of great people never even knew it existed until well after it disappeared.

And the staff forums aren't meant to be be a general forum exclusively for staff members.  It's intended solely for the discussion of website related topics that other people aren't meant to see.  In-progress articles, moderator guidelines, etc.  Everything else is generally discussed on the main forums.