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SilentMessenger said:

You clowns still haven't gotten it right huh?

I've visited this site since 2007. Over 4 years since I first visited it. Do you know what the old VGC had? Community. Relaxation. Fun. Actual, tangible, tastable discussion. Sure, everyone complains and laments about how this was how VGC used to be. Everybody just WISHES it could be the same, just HOPES that some ounce of life gets breathed magically into the forums. Nobody tries though. Well, there are the few who do. The rest are just moping and sulking. Don't like the fucking site? Do what many did and go to NeoGAF. Still give a fuck? Then get this site back on the right path.

I may seem like a hypocrite for saying that, since I'm complaining myself. I don't care for any hypocrisy you point out.

The way I see it, there are three problems with this site that need to be fixed:

1) The disgusting site design

2) ioi's perspective of the site

3) The users

The owner of this site fucked himself over with VGC 3.0, 4.0, whevever we are now. He wanted the website to be professional and respectable.


This site is not meant to be a professional site. It's a forum, where random people from anywhere can just come and chat, laugh, troll about sales, play Mafia, and just enjoy the experience.

Let's take everybody's favorite NeoGAF.

Wanna know why the site works?

It's functional. It has awesome users.

It doesn't fucking boggle you down with 25 different sub-boards, forum buddies, that goddamn annoying FB imitation at the bottom.

And the topics are extremely interesting. On the front page of off-topic alone are:

People you just can't stand
Piss test
What would you do if faced by this charging gorilla?
Is Chrome the best browser ever?
German is the funniest language ever

VGC, however, is boring and dry.

One page of off-topic. The only interesting one I see is the war against an alien race one. The rest is politics and debate...

GAF makes their forum work. With VGC, it's like they don't even care.

Now, the users. Everyone needs to realize that everyone here is a person, someone you can laugh and chat with, not some robot you throw your posts at and await a response for. This site has gone so downhill because of an influx of users that don't consider this. Old (or supposedly "awesome") members leave because many new users are enamored with the anonymity of the internet. Many troll, flame, and in general act retarded because they can. I always wanna have fun when I go on the internet, not rip my hair out because somebody is pissing me off... So many, many users don't care for the feelings or thoughts of others, and they don't care for the site itself. So yeah, I am in love with GAF's ban policies. If you act like a total retard or douche, you're fucking out. You're sensible and fun? You're in. (Though the imageshack thing is harsh.)

My thoughts are jumbled, but this is the main point I wanna stress: this site forgot what it is meant to be. A forum. Why do you think gamrFeed and gamrReview don't get even 20% the hits? It's because nobody gives a shit about them and poor site design makes it too annoying to go there.

ioi, you may know how to code a site, but do you know how to make one?

1.  This site isn't, has never been, and will never be just a forum.  I understand your sentiment, but the perspective it's coming from seems a bit off.  There will always be more to this site than that, but there are ways to make the forum itself just as enticing as other forums around the web, and there are ways to integrate other aspects of the site such that they won't detract from the forum.  I agree with your general line of thinking in regards to that.

2.  I agree completely with the bolded.