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dahuman said:
Jumpin said:

Honestly, I am a little disappointed so far in the gameplay. I don't find the game nearly as interesting as I thought I would. It has a very gimmicky feeling battle system, like FF13 and FF12 had, which I am already tiring of after mere hours; I always feel like RPGs would be better off just sticking with a regular battle system and not do these weird feeling ones that end up being more annoying than already existing ones. While I am not overly a fan of FF10, it is the style of battle system that I wish RPGs like this one would use. Xenoblade also feels very big and sparse as well. Still probably the best RPG on console since Dragon Quest 8 or Xenosaga Episode 3, but there are quite a few handheld RPGs I would take over it.

The graphics are better than I thought they would be though.

Maybe over time I will warm up to the game, afterall, some of my favourite RPGs ever I was not thrilled with on initial playthroughs.

If you have a problem with the combat then it just means you are not good enough with it yet =P It's much faster paced like MMORPGs with cool downs and whatnot, even when I played the JP version, I immediately knew that it's closer to MMORPG controls with tweaks that fit well into the game design.

I agree here. Give it a bit of time and you'll find when things get a bit hectic, that's when it gets real good :)


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.