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I found it to feel more like movie and less like a comic book which is less awesome to me compared to the first game. Before release I was worried that Cole would be made overpowered but by the end of the game, he felt less powerful the the first game.

The option to swap powers on the fly might be considered cool to many but I felt that it not only broke immersion at times, I also found instances were certain power and how they were performed didn't really conflict with each other at all. This was a down grade from the first game to me where everything that you unlocked you had access to at all times and didn't have to pause the game to use powers that use the same button. This was also part of the reason why i felt cole in part one felt more powerful.

The story was a mixed bag. Evil Cole was much improved. They really toughened Cole up in this game and it fit very well with the the Evil playthrough. In the first game, the evil playthrough felt sorta pointless story wise. This new toughened up Cole didn't work as well with the good playthrough however. I'd rank them like this:

inF 1 Good > inF 2 Evil > inF 2 Good > inF 1 Evil

The story like I said earlier felt more like a movie which kinda sucked. I didn't find it to be quite as satisfying as the Good playthrough in inF1. Endings on both also felt underwhelming compared to inF1.

4 ≈ One