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Uhm, to me it just seems like the OP is trying to paint an image of atheists being blind sheep that simply go with the times and don't think for themselves. Which kind of makes me chuckle since these are the hallmarks of religious zealots.

On topic though; I have always been an atheist and it is a result of growing up and learning to see a world where things make sense, reason and logic reside and where there is no inclination what so ever for me that there is a deity of any kind or form in our universe. I guess people see what they want to see, that very same argument can be turned against me, I know, but I always go out of my way to figure things out and always go deep into matters so as to understand them better. I love finding out how things work, anything from complex machinery to how bees fly and the moon affects the tide and I've always been this way.

For me, there is no deity and there never will be but I respect the fact that others believe in things I do not. In turn though, I ask them to respect me for my way of living and my way of seeing the world, this is where the problem often arises...