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RolStoppable said:
Antabus said:
RolStoppable said:

So you are back to your old self again.

What's going wrong in your life? Why is it that the only way you can feel better about yourself is by putting others down? Your time would be better spent to correct your life, rather than posting on a video games website. It wouldn't only be better for this community, but more importantly, for yourself.

Pot, kettle.

I feel sorry for you, you can't even see that the game would be a lot better on 360/PS3.

I don't spend the majority of my time on this site here to talk down what other people like and if I criticize something, then I am sincere about it. You on the other hand only try to rile people up. You don't like JRPGs, you pretty much despise Japanese games on the whole. Didn't you call JRPGs "anime storybooks" just today?

And no, the game wouldn't be better on either of the HD consoles as JRPGs have proven this generation. Due to the large amount of work it takes to create worlds, JRPGs have by and large been stripped down to keep the quality of the content consistent. It's probable that Xenoblade Chronicles would have only been about half the game it is on the Wii. Yes, you would have gotten better graphics, but the tradeoff would have been less content. Considering the general values of JRPG fans, this would have made the game a lot worse on 360/PS3.

Aww. I guess that has to be true, because you say so.