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Alright so I was just thinking of the last time I uploaded a video on YouTube it had to be downgraded big time and the quality of the video diminished huge.

So as everyone knows I am one of only two users going to Penny Arcade Expo Prime in Seattle. At the convention their is going to be HaloFest along with a Halo4 press conference. I will also be visiting the Nintendo booth where several big games are expected to be playable like possibly Super Mario 3D Land or Mario Kart and SkywardSword etc...etc.. I also plan to hit the Sony booth and hopefully Vita will be their.

Anyways last year I had but loads of footage and screenshots from everything from Duke Nukem to Donkey Kong Country Returns. I posted lots of pics on YouTube and thought of posting some on Flickr and such but never got any to this site.

So I'm wondering after PAX I will have access to a computer for less then a week before shipping off up North for two months. I was wondering if their is a way to post good quality footage (I shoot in 1080p) without having to downgrade for YouTube. Or post new screenshots for several upcoming games on VGChartz?

Or do I have to post it all on Flickr and YouTube and link it to the site? Having this footage on VGChartz would probably draw in users as well.

I plan to attend HaloFest and plenty of after parties I should have pics and footage galore. So is their a way to host those videos and pics here on VGChartz or do I need to post them in threads via YouTube and such?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer