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Wojtas said:
That's it, just cut with the bull crap right now! Wow, the PSP is becoming a phone! Wooooohooooo.........this is just pathetic, just as people claiming OMG THE PSP IS GONNA ROCK!!!! The PSP is already a laughing point due to no good games coming out for some time, not to mention the complete lack of SW sales. Just how will all these features encourage people to buy the PSP? It's supposed to be a gaming device, not an iphone.

The fourth point made me really did. You mean to tell me that they didn't use the chance to inform if any new games are in developement? With such an ideal event happenning? My dear God, can that mean that there are NO good games in developement as of right now? That none of the companies are doing anything?? These games may yet be announced, but they may happen to get released at the end of 2008 at the earliest. By that time only a select few HC gamers may even remember about those games. And no one knows if these games will turn out to be good.

This is not a showcase of power and brilliance from Sony, it's a showcase of failure and lack of ideas of how to attract gamers. Want proof that something is not right with the PSP in public perception? Check out PSP HW&SW numbers for others for the week ending January 5th, total HW sales for all regions and weekly SW sales, this device is a gaming failure in my book. Why ? It doesn't attract gamers.

30 million sold is extremly good. The Skype phone addition is great for people that use the service, but for me its nothing special. The GPS however is a great feature.  For people that stay in the same place all the time its of no use, but for people like myself who travel and use GPS devices on a daily basis it is a feature that I will be using. Who wouldnt want to have directions for anywhere in the world. When you go on vacation you use maps right? As for the games not selling, IMO its due to the fact people play more games at home than on the road. There is also the Homebrew stuff. I own 3 games for My PSP, all of which are played maybe an hour a week by me, and multiple hours a week by my 6 year old. He also has a DS, and a GBA SP that have been collecting dust for some time now. The DS is just a POS.  The only thing the PSP is missing, and Sony dropped the ball on is Bluetooth. If it had that, it would be the perfect portable.