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My feedback is probably the worst anyone could hear because I absolutely despise the RE series, but I buckled up and decided to give it yet another chance. I'm actually with you on almost all points, accept I have more negatives to add. :P

Keep in mind I haven't passed the first village, I threw my controllers down after about 20 mins of playing out of sheer frustration.

Hit response: I feel like there isn't any. My friend says oh oh oh you dont shoot them in the head roflmao you shoot them in the neck and they die faster!!! Ok! So I pop the first guy in the neck and get this satisfying explotion. Sweet! I pop the second guy in the same spot... and... nothing... huh? Wierd... maybe I missed, again again again and again, nothing on like 9 consecutive @#$@#$@ zombies (sorry not zombies, just flesh eating dead people infected by something >_>@#@#$#@$)

Knife fighting! Sweet :P I found my first effective way of killing things since the pistol apparently sucks ass >_> AGAIN with the hit response on this one, man sometimes they feel like getting cut, sometimes they just dont... W T F? I slice and get the option to kick, sweet! I slice and get mauled to death... @#$@#$ ><!!!!

 Lack of a @!#$@#$ Dodge feature >< While I'm trying to mow down a crowd of sick people with my @#$@#$ knife, I see two people throw sickles in the background... My god of war instincts kick in and I slap that analog stick... then... I get hit... by two sickles... ok my bad, lemme find out what the dodge button is. No need! my friend tells me that to dodge you just let go of the aim and step to the side... SIGH ok scratch that option...

STUPID NEEDLESS @#$@#$@#$ DUMBASS MAIN CHARACTER ><: I come up to this well (filled with some really nasty sh*t mind you) and theres a pendant hanging above it. It's litterally like a foot in front of me... but no, I don't feel like grabbing it just yet, PLEASE LET ME SHOOT THE DAMN THING INTO THE NASTY 2#%@#$% MUCK DOWN BELOW IT ><@#$@#$ WHY!!! GOD WHY!!!!

The Rock "mini-game".... who put that there... and why. I spam the two buttons it indicated so that I could sprint away, then in quite possibly the fastest action prompt I've ever seen a display in, it asks me to push the Triangle, now since I was talking to my friend about how much the game sucked thus far, I missed my fraction of a second opportunity and died. Well.. that was lame, at least I know what button! Do it again, and the fraction of a millisecond opportunity became a Square this time around -_- @#$^!#$^%@#$@!$@!~#$@!#$!@$@#$!@#$!@#$

Resident evil 4 is definitely a creepy game, but I'm more freaked out by the fact that manuevering my character feels like trying to move a tank through an ant colony. I can't evade for shiat, my bullets are like rays of sunshine hitting superman, the knife doesn't "feel like working" half the damn time, and the main character is a moron x.x My friend (who's beaten it) says if you love frustration, you'll have a blast with it!! He says it seriously never gets much easier to do anything.

ANYWAYS there is a plus!

Getting to the top of a ladder and wating for someone to follow you is friggin awesome cuz you can push his dumbass down time and time again :P 

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.