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Carl2291 said:
I agree. VGChartz as a whole has gone downhill over the last Year and 1/2.

We lost a whole bunch of the sales data, which was pretty much the core of the site. We're no longer allowed to actually comment on the sales charts. This was a great thing to have. We don't have the prediction league anymore. Recently, sales data has been pretty poor in terms of accuracy.

3DS has lauched, and it's been a huge failure so far. Wii is failing, so a whole bunch of the Nintendo fans who were here basically aren't interested anymore. Wii U looks to be going the Gamecube route too, so there isn't really much excitement over that.

The site has way too many PlayStation fans when compared to Xbox fans. Xbox fans are outnumbered and the forums clearly show this.
It's a hostile environment for any new members who join and they wont really want to stick around. This one's been this way since I joined though...

Thankfully, the mod team has been replaced. The old mod team, in fairness, was shit. Certain members were far too biased towards certain things and were out to get certain people. It's a turn off for newer members when they see constant complaints about it. Why would you want to join a community moderated by fanboys?

The forums as you said are too complicated. We don't need so many different boards. Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, Sales, PC/Mobile, Off topic. There. We need no more, IMO.

Gamrfeed is terrible. 99% of the news is beyond late and the editorials tend to be filled with crap. The sales articles we get are pretty good. Seece, trunkswd and Source all do a pretty good job.

I've been close to leaving a couple of times really....
The quality of dicussion has greatly decreased.
Some of the best members on the site have left.
You can't have a negative opinion on something without 5 people jumping on you for it.
No videogames that get me really excited are close to releasing.

NeoGAF's forums make ours look pathetic to be honest.

That's how it is on every forum, and it's something that can't really be helped, given how long Sony has been on the market compared to the Xbox, and given that the PlayStation generation of gamers were the first to start heavily using the internet.  Microsoft would need more time on the market and a bigger success than the 360 (relative to Sony's counterpart) to really change that.

The problem isn't the percentage of fans, but rather that these fans show hostilitiy towards each other.  Or hell, the fact that they focus on the platform instead of the games in general.

The ps3 generates the most talk on gaf by a good magin, but you don't see people being dicks to each other all over the place, so it's not an issue.