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DarthVolod said:

I could solve the problem with two words, "less government." By that I am not referring to the republican's use of "less government" which for them are just political buzz words they like to slide into campaign adds and speeches just to get elected, but real pull backs of all facets of it. Not just entitlements, but military (especially military), education, public sector services of all kinds, and everything else gov based that you can think of.

Job creation requires business expansion and investment, and that is the last thing any sensible business would want to do right now. Fear is ubiquitous in today's climate, and that is precisely why companies are holding on to cash, laying off employees (health care reform is making this a very good idea now), and not even considering expansion. They all want to hold on to what they have because of a justified fear of the future economic situation of this country which will only get worse so long as the beurocrats in D.C. continue to gain control over more and more of an economy that they are both incompetent to run (I doubt most of these people ever had so much as a part time job before they were whisked away to Yale or wherever) and have no business "running" in the first place.

I think this Obama supporter with way more credentials than me says it best though:

And for anyone that thinks public sector jobs are the answer to all of this ... Greece says "hi."

This attitude bothers me. Like the people jumping from failing company to failing company and filking them for all the benefits they can know anymore about business than the people in the government. Just as many of the higher-ups in business are those same kind of know-nothings, and there are quite a few people in government who know what they're doing just as much as there are actual people in business

This victimization of the businessman has to stop

I agree with the idea that we should make green investments. I mean, we're going to need to transition off of oil in only 30 years or we'll have total economic collapse, so we need an entire infrasctructure to somehow replace oil in that time, even if that just means going to biochar and biofuels, more recycling, greener infrasctructure adjustments in every municipality in the country, all sorts of stuff that needs to be done.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.