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I hate Treyarch Call of Duty's! Quantum of Solice was such a better game.

Most time I spent in a FPS...well since Gears of War an Lost Planet are Third Person Shooters, then my vote goes to

Counter-strike Source/Halo: Reach.

I put more hours into CSS, but I think I might top it with Halo: Reach. CSS was the reason I got a powerful computer (now garbage), and it was so addictive to play. However Halo tops it with a well made co-op campaign, a really addictive Firefight, and really balanced multiplayer.

That said, I have always played a lot of Infinity Ward CoD's and main series Halo games as well.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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