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Hynad said:

Runa216: I too think you just basically trashed the game for trashing sake.

I agree with some of your points, but the fact that you can barely mention anything good in the game makes your opinion no better than from one who blindly praises it without finding any faults.

I was disappointed in the game myself, but it's really not difficult to find the game some shining parts. Even if its flaws may overshadow them quite a bit.

But haters gotta hate, right? ¬_¬

I guess not all posters here can be like Reasonable.

Don't be a fool.  I don't trash games, I criticise them.  This was not a review, this was a compilation of the things I disliked about the game so of course there was a lot of criticism, much of it harsh.  The same BS happened when I wrote the Duke Nukem review: a low score or harsh critic couldn't possibly mean that the person who spent many hours of their life playing it with reviewing it fairly in mind actually felt the game failed, they had to be criticising it like that because they're a hater and wanted to find fault. 

I don't like finding fault, I'm actually an overwhelmingly positive person who doesn't even like going to the movie theater with certain people becuase their negative attitude ruins the experience for me.  I go into a movie or game or book looking for the good and finding excuses to forgive the faults.  I've always been like this and I've actually been reprimanded by my bosses here on the site for giving too much praise and overlooking minor faults when I should be factoring them in.  

Final Fantasy XIII is a game that fails in practically every way.  The level design/game design is poor (too l inear) the combat system is flawed (if you read the whole rant you'd see why I felt this), and even the Audio and Visual elements had their faults.  Granted, audio and visual criticism is especially hard because no two people have identical tastes in music and art, but I Felt the game failed there as well because of the stunning lack of originality. sure, it was polished and well done, but I didn't like it one bit and it wasn't because I hated the game (trust me, as with my Halo example, I'd much rather find something to like than something to hate.)  

I'm honestly sick and tired of being 'called out' as some hack because I happen to have a much harsher opinion of the game than most, and am willing to elaborate on why I feel that way.  I don't want to hate the game, I'm not a hack, and I'm certainly not doing it for attention, but the game is greatly flawed and seems to be an amalgamation of poor design choices.  I even outlined a series of things that Squeenix could have done to tweak the game to make it tolerable, but as it stands there's nothing to praise; it's just broken. 

In spite of this rather lengthy rant, I'll still be there day one (or week one, whatever) to get Final Fantasy XIII-2 and vsXIII because I truly do feel the game is just a few tweaks away from enjoyability.  as it stands it's just one frustration after another. It's like the game was designed with one major flaw (dying if your main character dies), and almost every design choice was led to maximize that effect.  A simple change like making it so that you could change what character you control would, on its own, elevate this from "nearly unplayable" to "not unpleasant."  But the fact of the matter is you die needlessly a lot, and there's about a dozen things that ensure you die as often and unfairly as possible.  

This is bad design.  

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