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kickazz113 said:
arcane_chaos said:
kickazz113 said:

im EMEEA they sold pretty much the same, and yes gear is manly for americans. and dont you know you can get the free code easily>??????? ppl i know already got them. are you trying to act like more ppl like gear??? cuz its not true. sale means nothing, nintendo ds sold more than xbox and ps3 so??? its isnt bigger, only sale wise, you act like gear is bigger than uc in every catergroy which its not true

dude, just relax man

I'm saying gears is bigger sales wise(like I said before)...Gears of war has seperately and together have sold more than any Uncharted title. if Gear 2 could do great in america and yet match U2's numbers in EMEEA then UC3 might not have much to stand on(unless you count japan which niether games had blockbuster sales)

and again Gears wasn't compeletely open to the public, it's not like the UC3 beta where you could just turn on your sytem and download the beta from the had had to atleast go to gamestop to get the beta or buy bulletstorm, you couldn't get it  if you pre-order off at like amazon, fye, or other local gaming stores

and again, you logic is flawed, of course the DS is bigger than both the PS3 and 360, again you are mixing up bigger and better, I agree sales mean nothing(to an extent), BUT they do show us what's more popular than the other. personally my DS(well my now my 3DS) is my most played system this gen

look, you can say UC3 has more HYPE than Gears, you can say Uncharted is BETTER than Gears, but I find it hard to prove a lesser selling game to be BIGGER than a better selling game(atleast in this case) both games have a huge amount of with it.

 thats doesnt even make any you said if B game sold better that mean its bigger than A game in EVERY CATORY, even tho more ppl like A game and it got better score and hype. and how is ds bigger than ps3 and xbox??? wtf??? are u serious???? evey one i know and most ppl play hardcore game on ps3 and xbox!!!!!! how is ds bigger???

@bolded: when did I say that? I have said multiple times that I have been talking from a sales perspective. and I've also said multiple times that  BIGGER SALES DOESN'T MEAN IT'S THE BETTER GAME.

what are you not getting, your supposed harcore games and hardcore gamers mean nothing in OVERALL popularity, just because you and a small amount of your friends play "hardcore" games does not speak for the general public.

and yes the DS is more popular than the PS3 and 360, the DS has sold nearly 150 mil compared to the the 360(55 mil)) and PS3(52 mil)

are you even reading what I'm typing?