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GameOver22 said:
brendude13 said:
Hynad said:

Runa216: I too think you just basically trashed the game for trashing sake.

I agree with some of your points, but the fact that you can barely mention anything good in the game makes your opinion no better than from one who blindly praises it without finding any faults.

I was disappointed in the game myself, but it's really not difficult to find the game some shining parts. Even if its flaws may overshadow them quite a bit.

But haters gotta hate, right? ¬_¬

I guess not all posters here can be like Reasonable.

Glad to see I'm not the only one, we saw right through him.

I tend to agree with you and hynad as well. In regards to art style, I can see this being more subjective, and I can accept someone not liking it. Overall, I enjoyed the art style although some of the levels were somewhat bland. The real problem I had with the game was that the world just never really came to life for me, and I had a hard time caring about the world or the characters.

The real problem with most criticisms I see, including runa216's, come from their descriptions of the battle system. When people make the statement that the battle system is too fast or too complex for players to input their own commands, it immediately raises a red flag for me because I had no problem doing it myself. When I see these types of statements, it honestly makes me wonder whether reviewers gave the game a fair review because I know the statement to be false through experience. Whether or not the game is intended to be played with manual or auto-inputs is probably an answer better left to the developers, but I can say that someone is making the game needlessly harder if they opt to use the auto-commands rather than input their own simply because they are sacrificing some of the control they have over the actions taking place on screen.

It was ok at the start, but when I had 5/6 ATB bars, the ATB had been filled for at least 3 seconds before I had selected all my commands, this will cripple you in a boss fight.

I think auto-battle was implemented after they realised this, and I don't blame them.