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osamanobama said:
Michael-5 said:
pezus said:
dsage01 said:
Before I thought everyone was lying that there is more PS3 fans on this site. But now I know it's true. Seriously Halo 3 sold more than 5 times Killzone 2 and beats it by only 2 votes! It's almost like Sony = automatic win on this site.

Reach won against R2

Gears won against R1

Mass Effect won against U:DF

Halo 3 won against Warhawk

Halo 3 won against Killzone 2


5 losses so far for PS3 games out of 16 battles, which means PS3 games have won about 69% of the battles so...not an automatic win by any stretch :P. 

So Microsoft's best selling, best rated IP's beat a PSN game, a generic shooter, and inched pasts PS3's prized shooter by 2 votes like dsages said? I also recall the only landslide victory was Halo vs. Warhawk, Halo couldn't landslide victory anything but a pity match up, and yes dsage matched them up to give 360 a chance.

dsage01, now you see the hypocrasy of this website.

Also, are you sure Mass Effect beat Uncharted 1? I voted in that one and I recall UC1 beating Mass Effect.

Halo 3 crushed Warhawk, a disk based game, why ar you down playing it as just a psn title.

what game would that be thats generic?

Xbox prized shooter beat out Sony's prized shooter.

i dont see how this constest is at all indicative of this site being ps3 biased. so far most outcomes have been pretty expected and not out of the ordinary

Warhawk isn't comparable to Halo 3. Warhawk is comparable to maybe CE Anniversary or Left 4 Dead. If Halo 3 lost to Warhawk....that would show something.

Also no, 360's prized shooters did not beat Sony's. Killzone 3 beat Halo Reach and Left 4 Dead 2 by large margins, Uncharted 2 beat everything. Microsoft was only able to make a clear victory against Resistance.

I'm not sure about you, but judging the the dismal amount of pre-orders for Resistance, the small amount of hype about the games on the forum, and the ommition of the game as a nominee as the best franchise for Sony elimination game. I don't think Resistance is one of PS3 fans most prized shooters.

It's good, very good, but I bet you most PS3 fans appreciate Killzone and Uncharted more. I feel Resistance is to PS3 fans what Left 4 Dead is to 360 fans. It's third best.

Microsoft never had a real chance against PS3 fans prized gems (Uncharted, GT, Killzone, God of War, and Heavy Rain).

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