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Xen said:
Conegamer said:
Xen said:
RolStoppable said:
Conegamer said:
I forgot to mention this in the OP- Darth is away and Carl is busy watching a film. The name eludes me, sadly. So all questions will be passed on in the big update tomorrow!

Not sure what to think about this after Carl mentioned that he has a huge porn selection. So how long do you think that Carl... um, the film... will last?

5 mins for both. That's how it is with free porn!

I hear he was busy for 6 hours. That must be some sick shit Also, thanks for the input and questions! I'll update rather soon with the other stuff! Also, with all this, I can add one more thing: Grumpy- RolStoppable :p


That must be some GOOD shit.

Nah, I reckon he was just playing with 'his' boobs, from the sounds of it Also, those links just log me so EVIL Carl! :/


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.