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GamrTalk Episode 3 - Return of the Carl

Welcome to GamrTalk's Episode 3!!

This week, I'll be hosting this Episode, and I have a great one in store for you!

Before we start I must thank Darth and Gerry for hosting last Episode & DarkPrince for making the lovely new banner we have for the show!

I must also add one thing-  Smeags was the intended interviewee for this show (and even the first one), but it would seem as though he won't be coming back anytime soon, for any length of time. I have sadness. Let us remember Smeags. 


That's long enough.

Part 1- The Interview

First and foremost, the interview. As mentioned earlier, the interviewee is Carl2291, a very key member (in my eyes) for the site. So without further ado, let's get on with the interview!
The bolded sections are my ramblings, and the italics sections are the actual questions.

Cone- Welcome all to this, the 3rd gamrChat interview! This will be my 2nd interview, and as I go away at the end of this week, my last for some need to cry!

So Carl, tell us a little about yourself then

Carl- Hi, first thanks for asking me to take part! As you should all guess, I'm called Carl. I'm 20, I'm from England and I'm also a qualified electrician. I'm more than happy with my life right now, got a great girlfriend with great boobs. Want to know anything else, you probably don't...but ask in the comments section!
Cone- Your girlfriend sounds awesome, but it doesn't happen without picture proof
Carl- Pictures? I'll post my videos!
Cone- Woah woah woah, steady there Wait until the thread gets underway at least! 
Can you tell us a little more about your girlfriend then?
Carl- She's stunning, and plays plenty of videogames too! I'm a really lucky guy
Cone- Must...not...become...jealous.... Lucky you :/
Now, onto gaming (hopefully). What's your all-time favourite videogame, and why?
Carl- Suikoden 2. Was one of the first games I ever played through to completion and I've been through it so many more times after. It has perfect characters, excellent gameplay, superb music and it was on the console that lead to the downfall of Sega. Need I say more? Play it, if you like RPG's. It's a must-buy. 
Cone- It certainly sounds cool! I also went and dug out the IGN review for the game, if anyone wants nay more info on it:
So you like videogames, that much is certain. What about movies? What's your favourite movie of all time?

Carl- Shaun of the Dead. Romantic Zombie comedy. It's appropriate for any time of the day and Simon Pegg is just great. Not too far behind are films like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Taken, The Searchers, Big trouble in little China. This isn't counting my huge porn selection...



Cone- Hey, let's not get involved with your 'secret stash'. I want to keep this interview as clean as possible (sorry guys!). Maybe later

Let's talk a little bit about E3. What was your opinion on this year's showing?


Carl- E3 2011 was the single most boring thing ever. Everyone was hyped up about everything, only to be let down on all fronts.

Microsoft focused on Kinect, which nobody wanted. They brought back MC in a new Halo trilogy after already he already finished the fight. Star Ward Kinect looks terrible and Don Mattrick didn't die.

Nintendo showed the Wii U.

Sony showed about 47 different shooters, but saved themselves with Vita. Also failed to bring me a certain remake. Bastards. 


Cone- Hey hey, what did I say about keeping it clean? *sigh*. However, you're right. After all the dust settled, I must say I was dissapointed with everyone. I liked the look of the Wii U and the games shown by 3rd parties, but the lack of attention to the Wii spoilt it with Nintendo IMO. Sony? Too much shooter and Vita focus. They spoke a thousand words yet never really said anything. And MS?

Since we're on the subject, what's your opinion about Wii U and Vita?


Carl- WiiU looks really promising, but really gimmicky at the same time. I reaaaaally want Nintendo to make a Pokemon Snap 2 for it, it looks perfect for that type of game. 

On another note, it looks like Nintendo are abandoning that brought so much success with the Wii. They're totally leaving the 'ease of use' mentality that made the Wii so successful with the expanded audience and unless I'm mistaken, it only supports 1 WiiU controller. What? Do they  realise how much this will affect the 'party' audince Wii thrives upon? They're wanting to focus more on the PS3/360 crowd with the WiiU, judging by the game currently shown, which IMO is a big mistake. Need to wait for more games to be revealed though in all honesty...And pricing. The tablets look expensive.

PSVita's also looking really promising. I can't think of any possible way to improve what Sony look to be doing. It's got some excellent looking games and the pricing is spot on.I'm loving the look of Uncharted and Dragon's Crown is looking like it could be soooooooo good! It's also pretty cool how they're going for a huge PS3/Vita connectivity push. The pricing is perfect, and it is really showing that the 3DS is hugely overpriced. I think Sony could have some big success with this.


Cone- Opnion is opinion, I suppose. But some good points there. Yes, the 3DS is overpriced (however, you can now get a new one and OoT 3DS for £199), but then again, so is the Vita. I mean, not anywhere near as overpriced as the 3DS, but still...I doubt WiiU will be above $300 as well. Just an instinct. But, at this time, it is far too early to tell...the site seems to show more support for Vita than WiiU, but that's too be expected.

Speaking of which, how are you liking the new site?


Carl- I like it quite a lot. It runs a lot faster for me and I can even use it on my phone! ioi and the team did a great job here. I also want to thank Machina for making it possible to go a month without getting banned. I love the new mod team. Literally.


Cone- *sigh*. That thread went up when I was busy revising so I could never apply. I'd love to have been a mod...but yeah. The site is greatly improved, so well done guys! And the mod team seems much more level-headed, so good going guys! Let's see if we say the same after a year though

So, if you did ever become a mod, which user would you ban?


Carl- Maxwell.

Oh, and Badgenome, because he's never actually been banned before and I'm jealous.


Cone- Right, I think that wraps it up for now! Thanks for your time, is there anything you'd like to say?


Carl- Would also like to take this oppurtunity to ask whoever is interested enough to care. I'm thinking about changing my sig. Numerous people are complaining. I'll let this thread decide once and for all whether I should keep or get rid. Thank you!





C'mon, don't get rid of your avatar, but what do you think? Reply and let us know! Any questions, just post and we'll get back to you!



Part 2- Which user on the site is... (Carl's answer next to)


Cool- d21lewis, so cool. Loves boobs.

Old- kowenicki, just seems really old. Also an Oldham fan.

Smart- Khuutra, knows so many complicated words.

Annoying- Not naming names, but guys who defend even the smallest of negative things said against certain companies. Stop crying about stupid things. Dickheads! (His words, not mine!)


I'll add mine later... 

(Quick note- I'll be busy for a while so it may be a couple hours before I update, but rest assured, there IS more to come. Thanks!)



Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.