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o_O.Q said:
1. so what would be a better way of serving wii owners? disregard the main feature of the wii and make wii games follow the same conventions they have on consoles up till now or have the nuts to try something different something new that may revolutionise gaming forever
2. all software for kinect and ps eye are unconventional from the standpoint of controls ( like the wii )... games like eyetoy anitgrav, joyride, kinectimals etc are all from your context "experiments" an even more stricking example is the recent showing of fable 4 which now apparently uses motion as a big part of the control scheme... i didn't honestly think it would be so hard for you to pick up on that
3. i guess i may have been drunk or high or something then excuse me
4. "You are also wrong about Galaxy being just as much of a departure from 3D Mario as SCL was from SC"
true the genre changed but the reason why i brought that up as an example is that i could only assume that by bastardisation he was pointing out the use of motion in the game which was new for both games
5. "
every single game on the Wii must be and is a radical departure"
never said so but as i said the console was built with primarily motion in mind this was supposed to be its main feature... what would have been the point of the wii if no third party games attempted motion? if games like no more heroes or the conduit used conventional controls do you really believe people would have seen any point in getting a wii?
6. "
In that you said, basically, "because the Wii is the weird experimental console", I suppose you did. "
it was, you're trying to twist my words again but this time i agree... it was indeed weird from the standpoint of it being a completely new approach to gaming and experimental in the sense that motion gaming had never been attempted on such a large scale before... do you disagree? from your tone i'd have to guess you do but if you think about it thats right
7 "
"Couldn't it have gotten what the PSP did instead, or as well?"
     You didn't quite answer this one; I suppose it's because the answer is "yes" and that doesn't fit your narrative."

     well yes obviously a conventional soul calibur could have been done it was done on the less powerful gc
     lol i must say its rather surprising to me the arguments i'm seeing here all i've ever heard of from the really serious nintendo exclusive gamers up to this point is how proud of nintendo they are for having the balls to do what they did with the wii and how original and innovative it is... but now i'm seeing people trashing third parties for actually trying to bring new and innovative ideas to fruition on the console instead of following the old boring route the HD consoles are on

1, 2, 5. 
Games like Soul Calibur Legends were never going to revolutionize anything.  They are just weaksauce spinoffs of whatever franchise (e.g. Soul Calibur) in other genres that the developer DOESN'T put serious effort into and turn out really bad in the vast majority of cases. 

I am not bashing SCL for its motion controls.  I don't remember being enraged at the terrible use of motion controls.  I remember being angry that the game was just terrible and a waste of money.  (Rented not bought thankfully.) 

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that there is no point to making a Wii game if you're not going to exploit the motion controls.  That kind of attitude is what makes developers shoehorn in stupid motion controls for everything they possibly can instead of using whatever controls the Wii offers that best suit the game.  For some things, motion controls will be equal to or better than buttons/stick control; in other cases they will not.  The "point of getting a Wii" is to experience the former, not the latter.

I am not saying that playing around with motion controls isn't good, or exploring the possibilities of the Kinect or PS Eye/Move or whatever.  HOWEVER, that is not what I meant by "experimental".  I meant the kind of random different-genre spinoffs I mentioned in the first paragraph of this post.  (And I'm not even saying that there isn't a place for different-genre spinoffs!  It's just that the ones the Wii has been getting are WORTHLESS.)  Do you understand now? 

4.  No, if that is the only thing you could assume then you seriously need to reevaluate how you read people's posts.  I am quite sure he was talking about what I mention above. 

I mean seriously, I have no idea how you got that using motion controls is a "bastardization" of 3D Mario.  It's not like the analog stick was a bastardization.  ...Or was it?? 

6.  Now that I have explained myself more fully I hope you understand why the Wii being an experiment doesn't justify the kinds of "experiments" certain publishers are inflicting on it. 

7.  What you are not getting ... what you may well be REFUSING to get (or which you will get after this post) is that Rol and I were not criticizing serious attempts at innovation that happened to not work out.  We were criticizing shit being flung at the Wii.

P.S.  You need to learn that when someone paraphrases you it doesn't automatically mean they're twisting your words. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!