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EdHieron said:

In regards to your comment that the Tea Party is hardly poor and uneducated, I guess you didn't read the statistics that Happy Squirrel posted from USA Today that said that a combined 68% of Tea Party Members had only no college or some college.  It's not as if the Tea Party is in any way a bunch of Ph. D. folks.

As for your comment that the Tea Party is hardly poor, if you look at Happy Squirrel's statistics 55% of Tea Party members make over $50,000 a year which means that 45% of them don't.

And both of these statistics go along quite well with my contention that The Tea Party is made up by quite a few rich folks that don't want to pay any more of their money in taxes to really help out the lower classes in this country and that the group is made to look much bigger than it actually is by the amount of rather uneducated (68%) poor white people (79%) that have ingrained prejudices mainly stemming from The Bible and Conservative (70%) upbringings that bias them against Obama due to his skin color.

It certainly is a substantial argument because it's true.  Sorry if the truth bites you in the butt. 

What those statistics actually show is that the Tea Party is actually remarkably reflective of the country as a whole. The only noticeable discrepancy from the population at large is that there are significantly less Democrats in the Tea Party. Which should surprise no one. And blacks, I suppose, but since they are such a reliably Democratic voting bloc, that's kind of the same thing.

I'm sorry reading is so difficult for you.