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EdHieron said:

Strange because here in the US it's mainly the Right Wing that labels women that enjoy indulging in what should be their sexual freedoms as sluts and wants to outlaw abortion and to even go beyond that by in many cases seeking to deny women access to birth control devices simply because women enjoying their sexual freedoms goes against the teachings of some drastically out of date book.

And, it's Right Wingers that call Asians gooks because they're still upset about Pearl Harbor (many of them a few months back we're insisting that the Japanese deserved what they got from the earthquake  because of Pearl Harbor: .  Even though America itself tried to destroy Japan at the end of WWII ( )  and should be remorseful about that.

And that tries to deny gay people what should be a basic human right in any truely free society by denying them the right to marry and to have the same rights as afforded to single couples that marry, and that create entire grass roots political parties that seeks to swell its numbers by taking advantage of the prejudices of the poor white working class simply simply because an African American President is elected that wants to bring beneficial changes to the lives of the largest number of Americans.

For a group that supposedly wants a smaller government these Right Wing types sure want to interfere in or curtail the personal freedoms of others in what is supposed to be a truely free society.

As you can see from the examples I've posted, while the left definitely prides itself on being more tolerant, once a woman or minority rejects the left's politics, that tolerance goes right out the window and that person gets hit with every slur in the book. So it seems to me that a lot of "tolerant" leftists are actually very intolerant and backward at their core but are able to supress it for political expediency.

Even in your own example, Obama has continued many of Bush's unpopular and failed policies. The economy over which he is presiding is a fucking disaster. The health care law that is his signature achievement is an unreadable bunch of nonsense about which we hear some new problem or glitch seemingly every day, and for which his administration is handing out waivers left and right (many of them conveniently going to his union allies who so vociferously supported the bill). So there are many reasons to oppose Obama as just another in a long line of shitty presidents, and a particularly shitty one at that, yet you imply - as leftists constantly do - that people simply must be objecting to his skin tone. So it is not unreasonable to conclude that you see him as merely a representative of his racial group and not as an individual with particular merits and demerits.