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EDIT: I'm bored so I'll bite

Uncharted has nothing to learn from Slinter Cell(or vice versa) as both have different stlyes of play.

I've only played a small amount of splinter cell games but It seems obvious the the splinter cells(well the ones I've played) revolves around stealth and somewhat tactics; a game more like Metal gear Solid. yes if you get caught you might have to get into a little fire fight, but I found them not to be on the scale of uncharted.

in the Uncharted series it more of an action adventure that will have you using your gun more than your fist and stealth kills, yes uncharted does give you some stealth moments to get the upperhand, but I doin't think it's possible to beat the game with stealth alone. as for 1-hit melee kills it is possible if you damage the enemy enough or play it on the easiest difficulty.