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Kindle 3 and Nook Touch are the two best right now - Sony is not as good in quality, and much more expensive.

The Kindle 3 is the better option at the moment; it has a slightly better text display in low light, even though they both technically use the same E-ink screen. The touch screen on the nook is nice, but I find it is not as easy to use as the physical buttons on the Kindle 3 - I find I often have to touch the screen 2 or 3 times to get it to function... but the touch screen interface otherwise has more convenience than the Kindle 3 buttons. The touchscreen is no iPad. Still, this is somewhat not so much of an issue, because even without the response it often requires more clicks with the Kindle to get where you want.

I think the experiences are different, but both are good.

Kindle is WAY better for viewing PDFs, it is easier to back-up books to PC; and I find just seems a little more useful in options. Also the Kindle supports audiobook, and text reader options, which are not supported on the Nook. Refreshing also seems better on Kindle 3.

Library selection - the Kindle 3 has the largest library.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.