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Xbox 360 released a year earlier.  If you align the launch dates, PS3 actually beats it in sales.  But 360 games always sell better than PS3 games.  So what?  You can't play sales!  360 versions of multi-plats tend to be better than the PS3 version of the same game.  Who cares?  Nothing can top the technical achievements of a PS3 exclusive!  But PS3 exclusives don't sell.  Didn't I just tell you that you can't play sales!? Kinect sold over ten million units.  But Kinect games aren't REAL games--and Eye Toy did everything Kinect did, first!  360 has better online than the PS3.  But PS3's online is just as good--for free!  Xbox 360 is a "shooter box".....but PS3 has more exclusive FPS franchises.  Trophies are better than Achievements.  Achievements are better than trophies.  RRoD--every early 360 is going to die.  YLoD--every 60gb PS3 is going to die.  I want you so bad.  Let's fuck.  I can't believe we just did that.  Don't tell anybody about this.  You know this changes nothing, right?  Right.  When next we meet, we meet as enemies.

And this is how it has gone on for over five years.  Well, at this point, who cares?  The next generation is almost upon us, ushered in by Nintendo.  The 3DS marks the beginning of the end for the DS vs. PSP war and the Wii U marks the beginning of the end of the battle between Wii/PS3/360.  Who won?  Wii had the best sales but didn't really satisfy a lot of gamers with what it had to offer.  Xbox 360 did a lot better than many expected but sort of dropped the ball when it came to exclusive experiences and hardware quality.  PS3 finally brought the games but is still last place globally and cost Sony a TON of money and marketshare.  Each console has a reason to lay claim to being the best and the worst.

Of course, the main event has always been the battle between the PS3 and the 360.  Who won?  Who cares?  Do you?  From youtube videos to internet forums, the battle rages on.