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sapphi_snake said:
Final-Fan said:

1.  It depends on how you define intelligence. 

2.  Not all plants are at the same part of the food chain. 

3.  No, no other apex predator is comparable to humans because of our intelligence.  We are the most valuable species because of that special trait, which only we have.  You have admitted how special we are by entertaining the idea that humanity is so special it should be counted as a kingdom separate from other animals. 

4.  You are artificially restricting the discussion.  The whole point of your bringing up the food chain was AFAIK to say that we would die without plants because we feed on them (or on animals that do), but plants do not feed on us and therefore they would live.  That is arguable in itself, but where you really fail is to claim that I can't use corn as an example of plants that would die out or be devastated if we were gone as a counterpoint to what you said.  Unless I completely missed something, you are really being ridiculous to deny that my point is relevant to your point. 

1.If the very definition is a stumbling block, it's pretty hard to argue that plant "intelligence" is a fact.

2. The overwhelming majority are. The one's that aren't (like carnivorous plants) are a negligible number, that don't really change anything.

3. Kasz is the one who entertains that ideea (he even admitted it), not myself. What I was saying was that throughout history there have  been several single species located at the top of the food chain (so in that regard humans aren't special). Even if humans are "special" (with all the connotations this word has), it doesn't make them more valuable in the echosystem than other lifeforms.

4. You are extending the field with irrelevancies. The food chain reffers strictly to animals and their sources of food. Domesticated animals did not come to be by natural means. They are not adapted to live in nature, but left uncared they'd either adapt, or they'd die (that's the way nature works). Not to mention that the relationship between man and domesticated plants/animals is not one of interdependence and the number of domesticated creatures is just a small portion of Earth's ecosystem, while the entire ecosystem depends on plants to survive.

1.  It's a fact that they're more intelligent than you think. 

2.  Could it not be argued that getting eaten by rabbits and getting eaten by humans are also different places in the food chain? 

3.  Wrong, if you deny Kasz's idea then you cannot compare humans alone to the entire plant kingdom even disregarding (2) -- you must compare the entire plant and animal kingdoms.  Anyway I already told you that our specialness extends far beyond being the global apex predator of the moment.  And being a truly GLOBAL apex predator is already, I think, a unique thing. 

4.  I don't know how you figure we don't live interdependently with our domesticated stuff, we spread them far and wide and they thrive, and then we eat them.  We would suffer if they were gone and they would suffer if we were gone.  And in any case there is no reason to limit the food chain to "natural" ecosystems instead of including human-created ones -- it's just a description of what eats what. 

Oh and not everything depends on plants, oceanic life apparently depends mostly on algae so oceanic life (and terrestrial species that live on it, including humans) would likely survive even if plants disappeared.  This took two minutes on Wikipedia so try checking your facts next time OK? 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!