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Here's a question for the wannabe smartypants creationists:

If the universe HAD to have come from somewhere, and HAD to have a creator, who created God? if something as vast and mysterious as the universe could not exist without some prior creator, then by all logic didn't that creator also need a creator? It's a logical fallacy, and the issue is that it somehow needs to stop somewhere, the scientific mind rationally stops at the most logical point (not appointing a creator) and the irrational take it a step further because that's what they want to believe or they were indoctrinated to think it was logical when it was not.

Also, the very concept of 'god' is flawed. what god? what version? what religion? what evidence is there t hat one god is more rational than another? if there was a god, or a divine creator, what holy text most accurately depicts him, her, or it? The issue with 'god' is that there are so very many of them out there that it's completely irrational to believe in any one over another and it's especially irrational to use any one version of 'God' in a scientific environment because the world can't even agree that there is one, let alone what version of it is right.

can we at least agree that if we're going to discuss the philisophical implications of the creation of the universe that we don't call it 'God'? that just gives it so many negative connotations and it's really hard to argue with people of faith because as I said earlier, faith is belief without evidence and that's really pointless to argue with.

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