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Sri Lumpa said:
Player1x3 said:

I guess lots of scientific thoeries are also irrational because they are not proven right.Faith too plays a big role in science


Player1x3 said:



This paragraph is higly contradictory as you claim that you do not believe god exist but know it then you claim that it is up to each if the want to believe. Obviously you chose that you want to believe but choosing to believe is still a belief, not knowledge. If you had chosen to believe in unicorns you would still be beieving in them, you wouldn't know taht they exist.

You misunderstand or perhaps I explained it bad. Let me try again. I speak for myself personally when I say that i know that God existst. That was an answer for your ''faith is irrational'' replay. Believe to see leads me to seeing (or realizing God) and that leads me to knowing God exists. Those 3 things lead to another, they are all connected. Like I said, you dont have to accept this as some evidence that indicates existance of God. I am not even presenting it that way, I am just trying to explain why faith isnt irrational (at least my system of faith, for which i am sure millions of other people share) Like I said in my previous post, some people believe and than see, other choose to see than believe.In theism faith CAN LEAD TO KNOLEDGE(maybe ''awarness or ''enlightment'' are better words). I hope you realize that. Actually, no, you cant realize it, thats the problem. Only those of faith can.

Besides, I must confess: I do not believe in gravity, evolution or the big bang.

Why am are arguing for them then?

Because if I jump, I fall back to earth and what I believe is that Newton' s theory of gravity is the third best explanation of that phenomenum and that it was the best explanation when it was first proposed. Since then it was proven incomplete by Einstein who gave us a better explanation with special erlativity and another even better explanation with general relativity. Maybe another scientist in the future will give us yet another explanation that is even better but it doesn't change the fact that I have no need to believe in gravity itself, I can experience it myself and believe that the current prevailing theoreis about it are the most likely explanation.

Same with evolution and the big bang. I do not so much believe in them as believe that they are the best explanation we have come up with so far. I hope you understand the difference

I do not reject either Big Bang nor evoulution, while i fully accepted evolution, Big Bang is still yet to be proven. Althoug I do beleive God has something to do with big Bang  and creation of universe. I also believe that God, once finished with creating universe, didnt interact with nature or universe at all anymore.

Other people might believe in those theories like people believe in religious belief but then I would agree with you that this belief is irrational as while it is based on evidence they go further than that and take that leap of faith into irrationality.