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Sri Lumpa said:
Player1x3 said:
Sri Lumpa said:
Player1x3 said:
I keep asking you, what is this ''proof'' that doesnt allow one to have faith in God. You seem to act like there is some divine reason and proof that makes all faith in God irrelevant. Keep in mind that absence of proof is no proof of absence. You also seem to think that faith is belief in something that is wrong based on evidence, when every person even slighlty educated will tell you that faith is when you believe in something you do not know based on evidence exists/will happen, but something inside you tells you so. And you'd be suprized how big of a role faith plays in modern science

He doesn't claim that it is impossible, only that it is irrational.

Bolded: Faith it the belief in something in the absence of evidence. It can include belief in something in the presence of contrary evidence (like young earth creationists) but not all faith is like that.

Again, I gotta ask it irrational to believe in God and follow science?

Well, I was just pointing out that you were asking the wrong question given that you were asking him to prove something that he didn't claim. However let me answer the new question you are asking now myself.

First, I would not say that it is irrational to believe in god an follow science; I would say that the belief in god itself is irrational.

Why? Because you cannot prove the existence of god from reason alone and you cannot prove it from getting knowledge of this universe (science) as he (if he exists) transcends it.

As such a belief is not based on reason but on faith, it follows the very definition of irrational. It doesn't mean that you cannot use reason in religion, as once you accept on faith a given religion you can reason on its various premises, but the act itself of believing is irrational at heart.

However, saying that belief in god is irrational does not mean that it is a bad thing; after all, love is irrational too: you don't go around saying "I decide to fall in love with that girl/boy because of this, this, this and that". Similarly, the fact that love is irrational doesn't mean that you have no reason to love the girl/boy you love; they might be a very nice person and/or physically attractive, which helps, but the foundation of love is irrational. 

I guess lots of scientific thoeries are also irrational because they are not proven right.Faith too plays a big role in science

Anyway, since this is a ''evidence'' debate, I am gonna say the same thing to you I say to every person when this kind of debate pops up. I dont ''believe'' or ''hope'' that God exists. I KNOW that God exist. How? Well, thats the tricky part. You (at least i) have to believe to see, not see to believe. And that differs from person to person. You choose the way. Thats why god gave us free will. God would NEVER allow humans to prove him or disprove him using reason scientific knowledge, its up to you and you alone weather you want to beleive in God or not. Thats why God gave us free will. He SPECIFICALLY created (or designed, if you will) man with free will and the ability to choose so that we could choose.