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GuiltySpartan77 said:
zarx said:
Ajescent said:
Madcatz...I can't remember what it is these guys do, what do they make again?

they make perepherals, basically they are the biggest conroler manufacturer makeing gamepads, racing wheels etc for consoles and PC they also make flight sticks and the R.A.T. series of mice they also make the rock band instruments, they also own the Saitek, Eclipse, Cyborg, Tritton and Game Shark brands

Now they are looking to create flight sims etc on PC/360 to push their flight sticks, and they will probably start making racing games and other genres that people use extra controlers for.

I mean if one in every 50 people that buy their flight buy one of these they don't have to worry about selling that many copies of the game.

Aditionally just because they just got a a publisher licensing agreement for 360 doesn't necessarily mean the game is exclusive.

I doubt that the game wouldn't be exclusive considering MS wouldn't help MadCatz if it was going to be on  multiple consoles.

How is MS helping MadCatz? All publishers need a license to publish games on 360 (or any other console) that is how MS Nintendo and Sony make money from every game sold for their platform. It is possible that the first game will be PC/360 but there is no reason for them not to bring it or future games to the PS3, unless you have more info like a MS advertising campaign or something...

The developer has worked on PS3 360 and PC games in the past, flight sims have always been most popular on PC. MS have their own flight game in the works called MS flight which is a reboot of their flight sim franchise so I am not sure why they would be trying to get a 3rd party published game into direct competition with that game. 

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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