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Played_Out said:
StanGable said:
Y'all wanna know what really is going on in here? Square is nothing without his Final Fantasy line-up and Final Fantasy finally established itself as a mainstream product thanks to Final Fantasy 7 with all the amazing graphics and cutscenes. Square is really scared that if Wii picks up after showing what FF can look on PS3 or 360, if it were to move to the Wii it will suddenly become just another game and without it they are GONE. That's the sad reality of Square, they need graphics to be different from the crowd. I'm not saying that FF games are all graphics, I've enjoyed the series myself, but Square went with high tech graphics as the main seller point of the game.

That's just b*ll*cks.

You think the graphics on FF7 were it's main selling point? You don't think it had anything to do with the games depth, variety, story or vast size?

Square Enix doen't need the Wii or DS, but for sure it is the easiest way to turn a quick buck, as Wii and DS owners tend to be less discerning when it comes to quality (Nintendogs anyone?). FF13 will still make a profit despite it's huge production costs and the lackluster performance of the PS3, but shareholders will always be there to make sure that developers hold their tongues, lest they alienate potential revenue streams.

He's right.  Square advertised the hell out of FF7, prominently showing off the spectacular-for-the-time FMV sequences.  They haven't even denied that they focus on the graphics in their games--they definitely make sure it's fun to play, but that comes second.  The original  FF had great graphics on NES, FF 3 showed off some of the SNES' muscle, and FF7 single-handedly jumpstarted the Playstation when N64 was winning for a while.  Of course it ended up being a fun game, with an obviously great Square-helmed story, but it was the graphics that drew people in.  Do you really think Aeris' death would have resonated so deeply throughout the gaming world if she was a 20-polygon stick with a sword texture through her?


That said, SE hasn't always needed the great graphics for their games.  Kingdom Hearts is a very nice-looking game (my favourite PS series BTW) but it by no means pushed any graphical limits, not even the PS2's.  They know its' possible to make a great-looking game using style instead of power.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."