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Crazymann said:
brendude13 said:

I didn't mind Bush too much, although I wouldn't trust him to made a rational decision.

And yes, I think Harry Truman was an idiot for dropping the atom bomb, it's completely innexusable. The only difference between now and 1945 is that other countries now have atom bombs and they wouldn't get away with using them.

And I'll still take any President over any Prime Minister we have in the UK, that's for sure, I like Obama.

And no, I will never "live in the now", everything just keeps getting worse and I will continue to be cynical until it changes back xD

Truman had his reasons, but these have been discussed already.  Plus, at least he admitted the difficulty of the decision and did not try to make himself look blameless.

"You know, it's easy for the Monday morning quarterback to say what the coach should have done, after the game is over. But when the decision is up before you -- and on my desk I have a motto which says The Buck Stops Here' -- the decision has to be made."  - Harry Truman

In addition, the fear of the bomb is a key component of the hesitance of the world to use them again.  Because the destruction has been seen, rational people avoid using them.  It is unlikely that an abstract concept of M.A.D. would be as effective a deterrent as actual evidence of the terrible terrible damage of a nuclear weapon.

Also, why are you so harsh on your PM's?  I am just curious.  It seems that nobody is happy with leadership these days.  Just a few examples if you please.

I really can't argue that the world isn't getting worse, but I do  not know if it is nuclear conflict that will bring about the end of the world as we know it...

"Some say the world will end in fire, others say in ice."

I still don't agree with his decision though, mass murder isn't a way to win a war. If he wanted to win the war, he should take it to the front door of the people who started it, the government and the army.

And I don't really like our MP's, over the past few decades they have just drove our country into the ground. There have been too many stupid decisions, especially when it comes to things like industry and handling taxes. Our country is becoming dilapidated, everbody just wants to do a half-assed job. In Japan, if a train is one minute late that is considered very late, in England, public transport is expected to be 5-15 minutes late, usually overcrowded too.

The only way I can describe it is England is a half-assed country. I don't even want to go into detail about the population, that's the worst part. Although some of these problems can't be pinned on the government and are down to the population, I still think the government played a large part in turning this country into the shit-hole it is today.

I don't know how the world will end, I always thought it would be down to natural causes, but after seeing the amount of idiots we have leading some countries these days I wouldn't be surprised if it was down to nuclear war. Nuclear war wouldn't kill EVERYONE on the planet, but I'm pretty sure the world would end up a lot more like Fallout, maybe us gamers will come out on top in the end because we've had preparation ;)