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radiantshadow92 said:
Mad55 said:
radiantshadow92 said:
Mad55 said:
radiantshadow92 said:
I wouldn't get a 3DS if someone payed me. I would wait till the vita comes out and buy that. Im not buying either anytime soon, but the vita just shits on it price wise.

You should add that it is def. getting a price drop soon.

Wow really? their the same price how does it shit on it? and i dont really think  it needs a price drop soon as mario kart and the rest of the holiday games will help it alot.

Thats why, it just has so many more features and a stronger everything. Dual analog, multitouch, more downloadble games, just everything in general is better on the vita and Nintendo is DEF. overpricing it. Now if the 3ds were to lower in price, then that would be a different story.   Plus, i wasnt talking about the games, i was looking at it through a price value point of view.

sony has confirmed more downloadable games? dual analog is an advantage but multitouch isnt to much in my opinion. and the ps3 in no way made it to 50 million without good games wtf lol.

The psvita is just the better value is my point. 

in what way? im not saying it isnt but you really cant prove that until it launches.