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I just saw Transformers 2 the other day. which means now i've seen the whole series. personally i thought they were good films. Transformers 2 wasnt bad, it was still a good flick, and the story for all 3 films is good, its not Inception, but it works well because its not Green Lantern either, its in its own element. its all consistant, and their made so new writers can keep coming back and create more sequels instead of killing off certain characters and closing off certain plotlines, so that the series dosent have to be rebooted. like Spiderman, where the series has to be rebooted because of the poor writing in the 3rd film.

so i think if they do more sequels (which they probabily will judging from box office returns) they should do them with Cameron or even a director not on the list. i defintly dont think Nolan should do this type of film, because films like Inception and the Prestige are good for a certain type of auidence. but for Transformers its better to have that type of Shai LeBuff/Megan Fox lead characters instead of the Batman type hero. and huge action scenes will Nolan dosent really do, because he believes in making it as believable as possible.

however what they did in Transformers 3 was terrible, getting rid of Megan Fox was a mistake. if you've seen the other 2, it feels so inconsistant that the 2 lead characters wouldnt be together in the 3rd film. and the actress they got instead was terrible. she was the atypical damsel in destress, her character development was non stop whining. sure she was hot, but it was just a mistake to finish off the story without Megan Fox, since they established her so well in the 1 and 2 films.

and personally i dont think JJ Abrahams is that good either, he might be good at special effects and stuff, but i think the quality of his writing team speaks for itself. the main reason i think Star Trek was so well recieved was because of the nostalgia of seeking the original crew of the Enterprise back in action.